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calls for migrants deportation centers outside EU territory have triggered a wave of misinformation last week EU leaders mulled the idea of establishing offshore centers to house irregular migrants who attempt to reach the European Union the return hubs have been discussed there are open question for how long can people be there what are you doing for example if a return is not possible possible the idea which has not yet been fully endorsed at EU level has triggered a wave of misleading reports on traditional and social media with potentially serious consequences for the block this article published by British newspaper the times in early October said the European Union will set up deportation camps in neighboring countries such as Serbia Albania and mova now Italy has already struck a deal with Albania to have house Asylum Seekers on its soil but there are no confirmed reports of Serbia or Moldova being potential sites but this news report from Canal 5 mova cites the Times article and claims Brussels is planning to create detention camps in EU candidate countries including Moldova the news rapidly Multiplied on these Russian language outlets and social media it forced the movan governments to scramble to debunk the reports here’s a telegram post from government spokesperson Daniel VOD saying that the government is not discussing such a proposal and will not accept such ideas the misinformation spread widely in the days leading up to moldova’s referendum on EU membership on Sunday that vote went down to the wire with yes to EU membership scraping through by a razor thin margin