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is Russia behind recent Arsen attacks in Europe British counterterrorism police are looking into whether the Russian spies planted a device on a uk-bound plane which later caught fire at a warehouse in Birmingham in July the guardian first reported the news saying that the parcel is believed to have arrived at the DHL Warehouse by air it’s not known where it was heading it follows similar incidence in other European countries in recent months months another suspicious package due for air mail delivery went up in Flames at a different DHL Warehouse in leig also in July investigators are looking to see if there are links between the two incidents adding that the parcels could have downed the planes had they caught fire mid-flight Russia is the prime suspect the UK’s leading role in supporting Ukraine means we Loom large in the fevered imagination of Putin’s regime and we should expect to see continued acts of aggression here at home the gru in particular is on us sustained mission to generate Mayhem on British and European streets we’ve seen arson sabotage and more dangerous actions conducted with increasing recklessness earlier this year Poland arrested nine individuals for allegedly acting on behalf of Russia to commit physical assault and arson in vwar another arson attack at an Ikea Warehouse in Lithuania has also been linked to Kremlin operations while lvia has warned of potential Russian activity there too the motive for the attacks appears to be reveng venge for Europe’s strong support of Ukraine against the Russian invasion in yet more incidents this year a London Warehouse belonging to a company linked to Ukraine Court fire as did a shopping center in Warsaw there was even an alleged Russian plot to assassinate Armen papera CEO of German arms maker Rin metal is believed that Russia employs individuals with European nationality and with links to organized crime to keep its movements discreet [Music]
2 comentários
No Ocidente é assim…. É tudo perfeito…. as coisas ruins são Culpa da China, Rússia e Irã…ASHusahuhsauhasuhSAhusAUH
Essa suposição foi confirmada ou é noticia falsa e procura + guerra? Essa Euronews…!