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if I say to you let’s cut red tape you will all agree it’s on all programs yet nothing really changes and it’s not for lack of trying in 2000 there was a Lisbon strategy for simplification it failed in 2002 there was a better regulation agenda it failed in 2007 there was the stobber group Action Program didn’t do very much in 2012 refit same thing in 2014 junkers big on big small on small this probably failed because the title was really a bit silly they all failed to make any real difference because the member states resist and gold plate European legislation because our own EU bureaucrats are afraid of losing power because our own legislative process uh favors the regulatory Christmas tree or everybody puts something on it and frankly because we as MPS are failing at our jobs not only are we not simplifying we are complicating things further so why should this attempt this time be different because if you fail again things that are important will fail too and people will suffer in their daily lives help to Ukraine will come too late houses will take too long to build and cost too much Renewables installation will take too long and cost too much crosswater railings will take too long and cost too much as we crossb energy grids etc etc etc and we’ll never will’ll never bridge the gap to the US so do we want to get reelected because the that’s Is What It Takes may I conclude I will I will finish Mr President you want to reelected that’s let’s do something about
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É URGENTE um Midia com Jornalistas de Direita. TODO O JORNALIXO mente de forma descarada e manipula sem vergonha na cara. É uma vergonha.
a peda a divertir-se com as restantes pedas em bruxelas. esse foi o tacho e esta peda esta a adorar cada momento.
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