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"Análise das Políticas Fiscais em Portugal: Desafios e Oportunidades para o Futuro"
40 comentários
Lazy ass peoples walk to your car but crazy future
Is that the same model that killed Mitch McConnell's sister-in-law?
Don't forget your purse and your lipstick lol
I love tesla
I only clicked on this just to be able to comment.
Let me guess when he sticks his d/[k in the cigarette lighter charger a rainbow flag will pop out of the dash.
You need to push that thing off the side of a cliff.
For what you paid for that pile of garbage you can get a nice pre-owned Porsche 911 Turbo S will the Formula 1 pdk transmission or if you go from a 2011 back you can get a manual 6-speed transmission. And with the right exhaust and a blow off valve that car will sound amazing. But you can keep that electric garbage.
Useless gimmick, people won't be happy when it freaks out in the middle of the busy parking lot and creates a mess.
That’s Connecticut!
Imagine getting reposted by TESLA of all companies like that is insane
they really have not come up with a light sequence we might understand
move over steven its gonna run you over got me 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I love using my auto Summon
Smart Summons. The next big thing!
that's what called technology change lifestyle
Leave that lady at home.
Knight Rider
Imagine cars leaving the production line and driving straight to their owners house, imagine logistics cost efficiency
An invention to allow Americans to walk LESS.
Great idea.
Americans are so easily impressed.
Kamala Harris, is that you?
Louis? Peter?
So quick as well
Looks like a car become alive😂 ohh that's so amazing😋
There’s always gonna be that one country, that has policies on this
Didn’t you do this like 3 years ago?
It’s pretty incredible.
Es cierto que le robaste la cuenta a maxito
That "ASS"…
imagine doing this for halloween the haunted tesla 😂
Awesome video now. Let's see the speed control frustration on a highway. I hope he doesn't return it. If I wasn't bald, I'd pull my hair out at this point with my Teslas.
That Quicksilver color is the real killer!
By the way, it’s NOT holy and it’s NOT God!
Like a babe
Tarzan the wornder car 😂😂😂
Can you make a T-shirt that says "Summon it." With the Tesla logo?
Tesla is king !!!!