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how does anyone survive it certainly is a another step in order to strengthen the European pillar in NATO other steps have been for example the European long range strike approach which focuses on developing and acquiring together in a sort of European context long range missiles that have become much more vital to the defense also the sort of air defense bit of um European nations in the wake of and also the context of Russia’s renewed attack on Ukraine I don’t think that this agreement alone will will sort of will be the the the Silver Bullet um saving and helping Europeans to to contribute much more to their own defense and to take care of their own defense but I think it certainly is a very important step um in in political um terms because it sends a message both to sort of domestic audiences but even more importantly to other Europeans and also to the US audience so the only thing I think is important also to um to to bear in mind in this context is that this agreement is not legally binding yet in order to make it legally binding both countries are or have announced to come up with an actual actual treaty that will then be signed by both heads of um state by um German Chancellor Schultz and by prime minister Kier starmer which as far as I know is supposed to uh to to be drawn up um earlier next year this happens in every election it’s common place this new pack symbolizes a new chapter in European security whatever the outcome in the US election a stronger more self-reliant Europe is a necessity Liv stoud in berin for EUR news