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this foran we should never forget that if Russia wins in Ukraine China wins too so uh the idea to say maybe let’s shift some resources to uh restrain um Chinese activities uh is um an illusion to think that you have to shift it to Indo Pacific China is not an indopacific challenge China is a global challenge look to Chinese activities in Latin America or in Africa or in Europe Europeans are overwhelmingly hoping for Harris the polls are quite clear on that uh they’re quite worried about what will happen to their security Arrangements if Trump’s elected they’re worried about uh seeing 20% across the board tariffs and they have uh very very harsh memories of the last go around so you know if you’re looking for a one-sided picture look at Europe um the only uh the only prot Trump constituencies here are on the far right and in uh a few countries like uh Victor oron’s hungry for
4 comentários
Com a vitória do Trump, a Europa terá que financiar a guerra da Ucrânia, caso queiram a continuidade dela.
Os EUA estão parasitando a Europa continental e os deputados alemães estão preocupados com a China.
Vai começar a ascensão dos Brics, a Europa vai ter que se virar sozinha o macaco laranjão vai boicotar o envio de armas pra Ucrânia