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the countdown is almost over asan’s Capital back is getting ready to host cop 29 the world’s most important meeting on climate change for 10 days starting Monday around 200 countries will be represented here to address the urgent need to prevent irreversible damage of the climate crisis time is running out the world is already off track to meet the Paris agreement’s goal to limit temperature rises to below 1.5° CSUS we’ve witnessed events such as recent floods in Spain and the deadly effects of global temperatures Rising now the core of this year’s meeting is finance will develop countries be able to contribute more and help po Nations deal with the effects of the climate crisis although this year the leaders of some of the biggest walls economies um and top polluters including the US which will come Tob following an election that will put Donald Trump back in power in 2025 China shiin ping Francis macron including the president of the European commission will not attend the summit so will this cop 29 still be able to meet its goals despite this while the agenda set by the aeran presidency is highly ambitious whether it will succeed is something we’ll find out in the coming days George orandi for Euro News inbaku aan [Music]