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does the Celsius energy drink contain dangerous levels of [Music] cyanide social media users have been sharing and reacting to a clip of an influencer claiming that the energy drink celsus contains dangerous levels of cyanide in the short clip taken from a speech Gary Brea gave in January 2023 the 10 times Health System founder claimed that the El’s energy drink has four times the amount of daily cyanide than a human being is meant to ingest however this is not true this particular energy drink contains cobalamine a synthetic form of vitamin B12 that releases a small quantity of cyanide in the body once consumed cobalamin is metabolized into an active form of B12 and the cyanide then leaves the body through urine in the celsus energy drink there are six microgram of cobalamin which is well below the maximum safe limit this is actually lower than other energy drinks that can be found in the market higher doses than that can also be prescribed as Vitamin deficiencies cyanide can also be formed in the body after someone eats specific plant products or is exposed to cigarettes smoke in fact the European Food Safety Authority set the safe level for one of cyanide exposure at 20 microgram per kilogram of body weight the influencer has taken down his video claiming he was misquoted resulting in his statement appearing as inaccurate [Music]
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Essa Bebidas Energericas é feita de um líquido Extraído do Rim do Boi….🤮🤮🤮🤮