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the aeri president used his opening speech at cop 29 to launch what has been described as a strong attack on Western governments that buy his gas and yet criticize his country for its fossil fuel dependent economy president alv used this platform in front of world leaders to repeat that azan’s natural resources were quote a gift from God every natural resource with his oil gas wind Sun gold silver copper all that are natural resources and countries should not be blamed for having them and should not be blamed for bringing these resources to the market because the market needs them the People needs them so this is my message and uh as a president of cop 29 of course we will be strong advocate for green trans position and we’re doing it but at the same time we must be realistic the aeri president’s words created a bar among cop attendees we spoke to some of them to hear their reaction he is right and not right in a way because it really is God’s plan to have the natural resources in certain countries and the fact that he’s pointed out the hypocrisy is something we should really appreciate it is true but at the same time we cannot deny that fossil fuels are harmful so what do we do in return we really have to make sure that the green energy transformation also gathers traction the only way everybody moves is if you know that it’s done fairly and he’s right that the signals that need to happen of course need to happen from the very very big polluters those that have been polluting for over a hundred years and so what the United States does what the European Union does what in the UK does matters because that sends the signal Ali’s speech set the tone for the leaders Gathering ahead of the tough negotiations on the details of the final agreement Georg orandi for EUR news inbaku