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- Preparativos Iniciam-se para as Eleições Legislativas de 2025 em Portugal
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"Análise das Políticas Fiscais em Portugal: Desafios e Oportunidades para o Futuro"
35 comentários
"Meatsack enters car" should audibly play when entering
I love doing this I really think this should come with the car standard I don’t think we should pay 99$ a month should be 25$ or 50$ a month for a set time and then is yours to own sort of like a lease
Tesla is watch
Good morning sir I think 💬
It looks so lazy bruh- I still do not have anything against it, however it is so lazy. 😅
Cool do it at night
who else saw "ASS" in the beginning text when it glitched out 💀
I always try to use the summon in all parking lots, but sometimes I find myself outside the blue circle. Please make the summon’s radius larger.
my mom dont trust the smart summon
Wooooow sooo cool. Dies feature is not available in Switzerland 😢😢 I hope it will be available soon for my Tesla 3 cooool !! ❤❤
did u guys see the a word
My car doesn't work with new actual smart summon. It starts summoning then stops in the middle of the parking lot due to poor connection. This never happened with old smart summon.
great 🎉
Please make electronic steering and 4 wheel steering standard on every model!!!!!
Buyers in the UK and Europe need not apply. It’s not available and likely will never be.
i wasnt expecting "ASS"
Bro i want a tesla 🚗
If a child is seriously ill, God is not to blame. it may ask why it is sick, but it trusts it. it doesn't hate him. Parents also ask God why their child is sick. However, if the child doesn't blame God, God loves children, the parents shouldn't either.
usefull on heavy rain lol
did anyone get this randomly as a notification saying for you? im not even subscribed!!!
i used it, its very buggy
This would be so useful for my grandparents, since they have such a hard time walking back and forth to their car.
You are advertising a feature that doesn’t exist anymore, you have a bug in your software and now you downgraded it to 12.3
Верни акк
한국에도 ASS 주세요
Those S.3.X.Y cars have got some nice A.S.S.😂
Needs more range to actually be useful. 9/10 times it's easier to just walk the 100ft.
Amazing, people pay a huge premium just so they don’t have to walk 100 feet to their car. So worth it.
This is much faster than it actually happens. It's very very slow.look how fast the people are walking. It's probably more than double the actual speed.
New Tesla feature: 360° looking😂
Gonna have to wait until AFTER a lawsuit or something for a judge to force Tesla to upgrade older cars with the feature they sold us. Maybe my grandson will enjoy this tech
Hmmm is crazy 😂 how the world willbe in future cars driving out of parking 🅿️ sides that crazy sh*t man 😂
Ass feature
Edit: i mean as a tesla owner the abbreviation is actual smart summon not the feature is ass and tesla can you increase the range limit on it
Ass 😂
Only IS AND FSD 💩Tesla 🤬👎👎