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haido is famous for its piping hot springs and snowcapped ski resorts from a winter wonderland Japan’s northernmost main island transforms throughout the seasons emerging as summer turns to Autumn as a verdant landscape ripe for exploration it’s here against this fertile backdrop that an indigenous culture is undergoing a Revival in 20 8 Japan adopted a resolution to recognize the Inu as an indigenous people and the oo National Inu Museum and park was born officially opening to the public in 2020 native of haido with customs and rituals dating back to the 13th century the Inu are a people of folklore and festivals hunter gatherers with their own language who lives sustainably off the land for while at oo I decided to sign up for a lesson in Inu cooking so tell me what are we cooking today the typical IW diet comprises two meals a day featuring locally Sauced fish and meat roast are boiled in a combo broth with root vegetables and Mountain herbs all cured and preserved to ensure zero waste and is everything in the dish locally soured oo Po’s reproduction Inu cotan or Village comprises IU houses Trad traditionally made from natural materials with thatched roofs and walls constructed from reads here visitors can try on traditional style IU clothing Outdoors on the open air stage time honored IU musical performances take place passing on Inu histories not only to Future generations of Inu but to visitors from around the world rather poetically the name of the museum o po means to sing together as a group in Inu after exploring ooy I fli to kushiro to visit modern day Inu Village a Cano Inu kotan and attend its famous marimo Festival formed from volcanic activity 6,000 years ago Lake akan in kashiro contains the rare marimo hidden within its depths these velvety moss-like balls are a form of spherical Alie that grow underwater at a snail’s pain of just 5 mm a year and lake akan is reputed to be home to some of the biggest marimo anywhere on Earth taking place over 3 days in early October the marimo festival includes dancers ceremonies and parades to protect the marimo honor the IU gods and pass I new custom on to Future Generations traditional IU dance has been recognized as an UNESCO intangible cultural heritage after a day of preparation the marimo festival officially begins with a poignant torch lit parade it’s clear that while carrying a torch for the past today’s IU represent a forward-looking sustainable Community Keen to share their rich and diverse culture with the world