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the recent floods in Spain have led to intense scrutiny over the role of regional governments in managing climate change related disasters and here at cop 29 in aaban European Regional leaders are asking for more investment in adaptation because they’re realizing that everything from the concrete infrastructure they have to their Emergency Management systems are just not ready for the future here’s the president of the European Committee of the regions Vasco Cordo how long making investments in Watercourse management is one of the kinds of proactive Investments that can really pay off in the future according to the president of the region of Bratislava yur droba you really have to think very well how you spend the limited amount of money that you have uh what paid off in my region was building small dams in the Hills uh which actually streamed the little rivers in such a way that they didn’t do more damage than than they did and I I think this is something which doesn’t cost too much you can do it at the time of normal weather conditions and then you are much better prepared there are many voices clamoring for attention here at cop 29 but Mayors city leaders Regional counselors say they need to be listened to because when it comes to climate change they’re the ones on the front line and when things go wrong they’re the ones facing the backlash too Jeremy wils at cop 29 in aaban for Euro News
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Essas Reuniões da Cop22..
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Tudo é dinheiro, o resto não importa.