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could Donald Trump seek a third [Music] term former and incoming president Donald Trump has previously implied that he could run for the White House again in 2028 it’s a rumor that’s also been thrown around by his supporters and opponents alike with the former sometimes alluding to false claims that the 2020 election was stolen from Trump and the latter warning of the damage it would do to US democracy putting it simply Donald Trump can’t run for a third term as president in 2028 because the US Constitution forbids it the 22nd amendment specifically and unequivocally states that no one can be elected president more than twice in either consecutive or non-consecutive terms as is the case with Trump to run again the president-elect would have to repeal the 22nd Amendment which is n impossible as it would require an overwhelming level of support from the House of Representatives the Senate and the individual states it’s worth pointing out that some of Trump’s references to ser in a third term may not be as malevolent as they first seemed according to CBS News during a rally in July he said that people wouldn’t have to vote anymore if he won in 2024 however put into context it was only a hyperbolic claim that he would improve the US to such a degree that there wouldn’t be a need for elections anymore in another example he asked an NRA rally whether he should be considered a three- term or a two-term president but this seemed to refer to his false claims that he was cheated out of the 2020 election Franklin Rosevelt is the only person to have served as US president more than twice he served four terms between 1933 in 1945 before the 22nd amendment came into force in 1951 that naturally leaves him as the longest serving US president ever at 4,422 days in total at the other end of the table is William Henry Harrison who died just 31 days into his ter [Music]
1 comentário
Mas é o ÓBVIO que ele o fará !!!
Com controle da Presidência.
Com controle do Senado
Com controle da Câmara
Com controle da Suprema Corte…
Esperam o que ?
Vão alterar a lei que menciona apenas 2 mandatos. Vai passar pelo congresso.
E qdo questionado na Justiça vai ser causa ganha para os Republicanos
E isso pode se repetir.
Trump agora só vai sair de lá quando ele fizer o seu sucessor de forma tranquila com a certeza da vitória republicana.
O MUNDO deve "agradecer" a ambição da Elite europeia, o RETROCESSO que o Mundo vai experimentar.
Não somente os países da UE vão pagar por essa "aventura". MAS os EUA também vão.
O sinal principal desse RETROCESSO dos progressos sociais obtidos, vai ser a imagem de Marie Le Pen, como presidente da França. E do lado Direito dela o Putin e do lado Esquerdo o Trump.
E NÃO CULPEM a Rússia por seus ERROS ! E suas GANANCIAS !
A nação Latino Americana agradece a Rússia pela libertação dos ucranianos do Leste !!!
Pois a Rússia está fazendo JUSTIÇA !!!
A terra pertence a quem nela trabalha, se alimenta e habita. E não de ladrões espúrios que tentaram vender o seu próprio país a terceiros, por motivos desprezíveis.
Além de tentar assassinar os seus irmãos de patria !
Nós no Brasil… temos que nos policiar para que esses RETROCESSOS, não cheguem por aki. Por exemplo, a perseguição aos homossexuais.