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like in the moment 60 100 200 patients bang bang bang bang blood go go go go it’s fine I do a debrief with the team you get home you still feel a bit buzzed I call coordination you debrief with them you still feel a bit buzzed you have dinner you have a shower you get into bed and then it hits you and the faces of those people H and then the tears come it it’s real it happens all the time and I’m okay with that now I wasn’t when I was younger massive death toll is something harder to adjust with when you go home and my friends even you know when I had a walk with them you know would say oh you know they want to oh it’s been really hard this month I this happened at work and then they say but I can’t complain cuz you’ve been in Gaza but that’s not fair right everyone Everything’s Relative everyone has their problems everyone has their issues some are more confronting than others um so no tell me about tell me about your problem from work right so that’s only natural and that’s human it’s really hard that Readjustment back to normal life is really difficult and happens and and and is tricky in many coming back from almost every msf project because you’re usually somewhere that’s just so different to home right I think in Gaza is a little bit worse because I I feel and perhaps many people feel a deep sense of Injustice and and there’s there’s hypocrisy there’s complicity of our own governments it can be hard like so you know I come to a web Summit I see all these people here but I have to again it’s about looking for the good like what’s the opportunity here for us I’ll have a stage for 20 minutes what can what can I do to bring Gaza into this room but also make it relevant for these people so talk about tech and how msf works but remind them what’s going on in the outside of this bubble and and and and maybe move them to a point of action or a point of feeling would be very beneficial