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for it is the start of a long week of negotiations and these things as we all know are never easy but we do have a job to do so let’s get it done it is a combination of raising more money and and more um truly implies that that more countries need to take their responsib very close M States from the EU which can bring additional financing capabilities um uh based on Market mechanisms so I think combination of many things that could that that could help us to progress ukra took this opportunity to call on the cop presidency to bring all parties together and deliver concrete results in the talks over the course of this week Georg orlandia cop 29 inbaku [Music]
1 comentário
É a isto que se resumem estes encontros do clima" DINHEIRO, mesmo que estejam endividados, não importa, dêem dinheiro".
Despejar dinheiro em acções de charme e propaganda está errado desde o inicio… Cada país deve tomar acções concretas e individuais para melhorar, e todos, beneficiamos.