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how conspiracies about Spain’s floods spread online weeks after devastating flash floods claimed at least 200 lives in Spain conspiracy theories continue to run rampant online social media users have falsely speculated that the tragedy was intentionally provoked and not a natural disaster despite the Spanish weather agency warning 4 days in advance that the torrential rain was on its way these videos circulating online claim that vessels spotted off the valencian coast artificially altered the weather with high frequency transmitters causing excessive rainfall they are falsely described as harp ships referring to the Alaska based HARP program that studies the upper layer of the Earth’s atmosphere but which cannot control or interfere with the weather the ship in question in these videos is in fact a floating power plant called the kenis powers ship Osman Khan owned by Turkish firm Kow ship we Trace back the footage to this promotional video published by the company in 2017 news agency AFP verified the ship’s position and found that it has been stationed in Ghana since 2019 there is no evidence that it was seen near Valencia yet we found posts spreading this theory in at least six languages and often left unverified by the platforms other social media users have spread unfound claims that Morocco used these ships to cause the storm and Destroy Spanish agricultural harvests in order to ship more Moroccan produce into Europe this is just one example in a whole Playbook of conspiracies that have been spreading since the tragedy