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[Music] could love grown meat be coming to a super market near you soon would you be ke to it it and what would farmers think about the [Music] idea the Netherlands Spain and Germany are leading in this area but it has already been bed in Italy even before reaches the plate so how urgently does the you need common rules for this topic you decoded is digesting the fake meat issue this way manufacturer Begins by collecting cells from live animals which are grown in Laboratories and multiplied in bioreactors the resulting meat tissue is then enhanced with fibers and other elements for added texture and nutrition since the artificial meat is Boneless and skinless its use is mainly foreseen for burgers nuggets and sausages it’s a process similar to brewing beer or breaking bread with yeast According to some scientists we asked some peoples in the street of Rome in B what they think about this novel for [Music] so what is the state of play at the U level about this artificial meat let’s say are there any rules there are no rules but there’s a framework though so it’s the what is called the novel Foods regulation if a company wants to file an application and ask for marketing authorization of Novel food in this case self-based meat uh he filed his application and the food safety agency FSA basically give a scientific opinion and then the commission decide whether to approve it or not in general the scientific opinion of FSA is always followed by the commission at what stage do we expect this topic to be on the legislator’s agenda the main new competence in this kind of uh situation is basically food labeling so uh we’re talking about framework like the food information to Consumers but also that part of the common agricultural policy which is called common market organization that basically regulate every food stuff that is placed on the market and why is it so controversial the name that we will give to this novel food a name convey a certain information just to make an example in Italy in the public debate it’s called synthetic meetting synthetic meat gives this idea of plastic or something that you don’t eat I sometimes use La grown meat it’s not particularly enticing or you have other names like uh Slaughter free meat that gives another information so uh the objective at the U level is to give something that is neutral and that could help for instance consumers in understanding the allergies there is a lot of discussion about ethics do you think that parallel to the legislation there should be maybe a promotion of a public debate in the European Union about this there must be a public debate on the importance of innovating food because it’s the way to address outstanding issues like feeding a growing population or being more sustainable so for sure this is something that an ethical debate it’s something that should happen in the Civil Society but at lawmaking level it’s important that you should address the safety and The Innovation part first Italy was the first country to approve National legislation Banning this new food product but almost half of the EU has shown concern about the impact on Farmers including France Greece and Romania those concerned about artificial meat are worried that it might displace traditional livestock farming that the manufacturing process is energy intensive and uses a lot of water those in favor cite the welfare of animals and the benefits of cutting down on livestock farming including fewer carbon emissions for for [Music] [Music] in s so can we trust these novel forms of artificial meats can we afford to lock it out and allow other regions of the world to go ahead in the development love grown meat is still at a prototype facee here in Europe but is already reaching the markets in the US in Singapore and Israel we will soon see whether The UU makers will impress it or reject it [Music]
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Já posso imaginar a quantidade de auditivos químicos e corantes artificiais nessa "carne" 😂
Todos os Tugas são chegados numa carne de nervo