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"Análise das Políticas Fiscais em Portugal: Desafios e Oportunidades para o Futuro"
33 comentários
Now do a video of “what autopilot sees”
I bought my Tesla in good faith in the expectation that Autopilot would be improved and eventually come out of beta. FSD is not an option in Australia.
I would buy FSD right away for my mY if it was later transferable to my CT. Lemme know and I’d order it.
Have you smoothen the animations/increased the refresh rate? I swear it looks smoother since the latest update I've installed.. astonished me several times already
Cybertruck can see you but nobody can see you. This is dangerous to bikers.
But is it in synch with real time? Because if it’s not then it’s useless. It only takes half a second to crash.
What happens when there's an electronic failure with AUTONOMOUS driving?🥴
Won't fully understand unless I try it myself. Should try it one of these days. 🤔
It drove me to the hardware store even though I forgot to navigate to it, and it was raining. Fsd makes windshield wipers (and windshields) obsolete
Teslas are great but this short is a joke. A Tesla can’t even cruise without phantom braking.
Just keep buying the dips……for Elon's sake….. management is selling.
What ! Kangaroos also ?.
Tesla intelligent tracking system
Weird because I never crash and Teslas crash all the time
Pls bring that smoothnes also to non FSD Versions like in Europe
Иностранным агентам даже в бар не устроишься, барменом!
Илон Маск, Илон Маск, Илон Маск!!!🎉🎉🎉🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻✅✅✅
I recently installed, and I use it daily for most of my driving. It generally works extremely well, but still has a few deficiencies.
It does not recognize flashing yellow lights that signify a school zone, and doesn’t properly slow down to 20mph.
When following a school bus that is in the process of picking up kids, it pulls right up to the back of a he bus as if it were another car at a stop sign rather than stopping 100 feet back as is supposed to be done.
When stopped at a red light, it doesn’t recognize when the green left turn arrow lights up while the main light remains red, which requires me to depress the accelerator to make the turn.
Other than that, I now do very little when in my car.
Tesla venha pro Brasil pfv
Most of it is a made up animation. It would need x-ray vision to see everything it shows on screen.
Looking great!
Eyes: sees speedbumps, citizens, traffic lights
Cybertruck: sees cars, barely sees traffic lights.
Cool! 😎
What an amazing man you are. As President Elect said, you are pure genius. The mind boggles with the technology that you have breathed life into… hope for the future ❤
Love FSD all the way, even it has not been perfected yet.
FSD is not really capable in NYC, but it is efficient as any where else. FSD could not keep up with blending in with human driver in NYC, but work great every where else. If you use FSD in NYC, you will get honk like crazy.
Also FSD ran me into a traffic cone the other night, luckily I was able to mitigate the impact and leave light scratches on my front bumper.
I will still use FSD any chance, I get.
It does
You are aware I can watch this from freaking Italy, right?
If it's a Cybertruck it can only see itself depreciate.
Yeah, it knows your about to die and turns itself off 💀
It still tries to kill me daily, it's not ready yet. Highway is fine, highway exits? Not there, in the City? Not anywhere close.
Looking forward to 2030…