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- Crise Política: Desafios e Consequências para o Futuro do País
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- Portugal Avança na Transição Energética: Iniciativas Sustentáveis e o Futuro do Ambiente
- Certamente! Aqui está uma sugestão de título para um artigo ou notícia sobre a União Europeia e Portugal: “Portugal e a União Europeia: Desafios e Oportunidades na Era da Mudança” Se precisar de mais informações ou de um desenvolvimento específico sobre o tema, estou à disposição!
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22 comentários
Terima kasih Abang telah memberikan support dan memberikan hal yang terbaik semoga bermanfaat buat kita
Thank you for nice sharing, Goodbye Gas Generators.
It’s not fair for a person to raise his account with so many sacrifices but we leave everything in the hands of God scammers with God no one stays cunning steals someone else’s account 😢😢😢
Thief you stole his account ah pz gaimel that YouTube account was vivi’s
Le robaste la cuenta ah pz gaimel
LA dron roba cuenta ajena 😢
powerwall is not economical,
to fully charge that powerwall you need to generate like 13.5Kw of power, lets say you buy that thing + solar panels which would cost you like 10.000$.
now, lets say average price for 1kwh is like 0.3$
so by doing a basic math it will take me around 7 years to get back the innitial price of 10k$ spent for power wall.
now, lets add to it maintenance and fixes and the fact that lithium ion batteries will die much faster than 7 years and will lose capacity, so add another powerwall unit for like 5k$..
that will make it at least 10+ years before you will even start to see any benefits financially.
AND you need quite big roof too, at least 2.7kw capacity or 14.5 square meters of panels..
that quite big roof and you need to make sure its tilted towards the sun and cleaned regularily and sometimes there is no sun and at night it doesnt work, and all of that kills the efficency.
That was shitty generator anyway
The age of gas and oil is gone. Its a new age of electricity
Tesla has become a laughing stock, thanks to the charlatan who walked to China and literally handed over the technology that Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning invented and he took a false credit for it. He brought down Tesla, he brought down Twitter, he almost brought down PayPal, had he not been kicked out from it, he will definitely bring down spacex too, it’s a matter of months.
Верните канал!
Now the channel that was stolen from pz gaming is called tesla, it's rats
Please Elon! Shut off the highbeam on all of your vehicles driving in town areas. PLEASE!!!! I´m blinded from ahead and behind daily by your cars and "OTHERS" (hint hint). But at least I´m hoping you "will" listen.
Es una cuenta robada?
This company is certified
This video is connected to another channel that’s hacked called action
I'm favored financially with Bitcoin ETFs approval, Thank you buddy. $32,000 weekly profit regardless of how bad it gets on the economy.
This man channel got hacked I can tell
Action NOOOO
Gas generators are a sure way to improve engine performance. Bet these people know how to drive faster than Formula One racers.