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some on responsible politicians uh are aware of their intern National commitments Hungary is the signatory is the party to the international court of justice so or Criminal Court to be precise and uh so uh there is a rule uh and it’s it’s based in the international law that uh the parties have to respect the decisions of the court so it’s bounding decision of the international criminal court to everyone who is the signatory including Hungary and if they don’t if they invite a an alleged war criminal to their country when they’re supposed to actually arrest them what does that mean for it will be an obvious breach of the agreement and what does that what do you think there should be some repercussions for that I cannot tell you precise answer on uh regarding the procedure but uh every time a country uh breaches it’s commitments in these International institutions it’s always uh the moment which is damaging the reputation of such country very and so I I am not
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