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[Music] it is uh 216 million consumers on their sides and 450 on our sides so it will be a huge Market a common market that will of course help uh consumers they will have more choices and uh more products to choose from and uh hopefully it will also help to beat uh inflation well it’s difficult to exactly see the benefits because it’s lowering the tariffs to import more uh products issued from the agricultural sector mainly beef uh poultry but also honey for instance it’s huge opportunities for farmers and for the food producers but of course there is also some sensitive products and uh we have to pay attention to them and the commission has done that so there are tariff rate quotas meaning that it cannot come in too many products for the sensitive uh Goods the farmers will be impacted by the import of products that do not respect the same social and environmental standards uh using chemicals and products that the EU is exporting that are forbidden in the EU and that will come back through or soy for instance or also uh the the the meat production uh it means um that the level playing field is not respected that there is a um uh unfair competition uh between the products that are imported here in [Music] Europe yes I would say it is a a very good package for the climate because um first of all we have a commitment to effectively implement the Paris agreement the mercosur agreement is based on a 20 years old uh mandate which means that climate issues biodiversity issues are not taken into account and that uh those elements are not enforceable which means that no it will have an adverse impact on uh climate change mainly also because of deforestation
5 comentários
Acredito que ambos fizeram analises pouco racionais, vantagens como carne barata n foi citada, outras vantagens é venda de tecnologia para a américa do sul, tendo preços pra competir com a china, diante disto não vejo perdas com este acordo. A China vai ocupar todo o mercado de tecnologia na américa do sul sem este acordo. (ex: trens, equipamentos pesados, veículos etc … ) estão a comer m. europeus ?
Essa Ursula vai arrumar uma guerra na América do Sul.
É uma desagregadora.
Nós não temos nenhum subsídios do governo e mesmo assim produzimos alimentos para inundar o mundo com alimentação. Se os governos europeus tirarem os subsídios para o seus agronegócio vocês morrerão de fome.
Esse era o racha que faltava, com a guerra da Ucrânia e corte da energia barata que vinha da Rússia
Esse é começo do fim dessa autocracia chamada União fake europeia
E assim o governo único mundial vai aos poucos se manifestando 🔥