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inclusive education in usbekistan has been prioritized in recent years the goal is to provide all children with special needs with the opportunity to attend a mainstream School in this episode of learning world we are diving into the heart of inclusive education in usbekistan exploring schools and teaching training centers that are dedicated to supporting children of all abilities our first stop is a classroom in Tashkent where seveny olds are starting their day with a math lesson here we see how children with a range of abilities and needs are fully part of The Learning Experience in this classroom there are three children with special needs their teacher muak attended specialized inclusive education courses last summer where she learned from her colleagues from francee foree nazarov has a tutor helping her during the classes halima’s mother says that in just a couple of months there have been some inspiring results foree spee September the school welcomes children with various special needs spee this equipment was provided with the support of Unicef which is closely collaborating with the government to enhance the system of inclusive education in usbekistan we have seen a tremendous change in the past 5 years when it comes to children with disabilities in 2020 there was a presidential decree to incorporate children in the regular schools and since then in 2021 we supported the government to ratify the convention um on people with disabilities Pakistan’s government is working closely with various International organizations to develop inclusive education in the country one of the programs all children succeeding is implemented by us Aid uh this is directly in support of the government’s initiative to have 51% of schools practicing inclusive education by the year 2025 this is a program that’s focused on first and foremost on human capital so making sure that teachers are equipped and ready and confident to practice and Implement inclusive education practices in their classrooms with each passing year there are an increasing number of schools with inclusive classrooms across the country I visited one of the teacher trainings at the Avon Institute in Tashan number of skills are required to effectively conduct inclusive classes zon told us that she will become a teacher when she grows up equal chances successful socialization in adult life empathy and increased self-esteem adjust a few of the advantages of inclusive education and usbekistan has set ambitious goals to ensure that no child is Left Behind