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"Análise das Políticas Fiscais em Portugal: Desafios e Oportunidades para o Futuro"
24 comentários
Da ist der Roboter, welcher für mich arbeiten gehen wird ❤ Much Thanks @ Tesla for this Innovation
Imagine one day buying a robot, figure a way to store all your memories in a usb or a chip so that when you die you become that robot
🤯 🤯 😮😮
Do people really think that this is real. Get a grip on reality and stop living your fantasy life 😂😂😂
it's mind blowing🤯
It's Cool 😊
The future is here!
Please return the account to its previous owner!
lt looks like my grandfather
Because it will be the best ROBOT in the market❤❤❤❤❤❤, I trust ELON MUSK❤❤❤❤❤
When this is finally out, it's ALL OVER FOR ALL ROBOT MAKERS😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Now can it hold a rifle?
Wow just wow
Mr. Been ?
Praise father elon 🙏
Yep, reminds me of parents looking at their babies… very few are thinking that their babies can kill them in the future… Unfortunately, between humans, this is happening more often than we would recognize…
I must hail the Tesla-made Optimus in dynamic unstable equilibrium, exactly as human function. This allows Optimus to move much faster to a new equilibrium point from any external force getting it out of unstable equilibrium.
The military fighter-aircrafts have applied this principle for decades now…
A video as true as a three-dollar bill.
Can you guys teach Jay Leno next
Attention aux entorses
This would have been really impressive if it hadn't been teleoperated ..
It's a bidenoid
When I was 7 I watched C3PO for the first time in Star Wars and was dumbfounded, never in my life time did I think I would see something similar 😮😮😮
Рано ему ещё в помощники человечества 😂😂😂