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no a German pilot wasn’t fired for refusing to spray Chemtrails a clip spreading on social media supposedly shows a German pilot suing his previous employers for unfair dismissal after he refused to release Chemtrails during a flight the chemtrail conspiracy theory is a long running factually incorrect claim that the vapor trails that planes leave in the sky are actually Chemtrails containing harmful chemicals that the elite uses to control the general public the viral video takes the form of a news package in which a journalist reports on the pilot who claims laner fired him for refusing to drop harmful substances on the Europeans below because of his actions Lanser got in trouble with secret world governments and had to pay millions of Euros in fines for breaking their contractual chemtrail obligations according to a so-called expert in the report the video is often shared with captions claiming that it’s proof the elite wants to fumigate and manipulate the public public this post in particular has been seen more than half a million times as of the time of this report and it’s been shared in other languages too nevertheless none of what it claims is [Music] true a reverse image search for one of the frames in the video directs us to where it originally comes from a German website called Depon you can see that a watermark in the video also matches up with deon’s logo if you scroll down to the website’s FAQ page the first question asks whether the content produced by detillion is true the answer explicitly states that everything found on the site is satire and a blatant lie every character that appears is fictional and any resemblance to living people is purely coincidental the website says for more fact checks take a look at euronews.com [Music]
2 comentários
Quanto aos "rastros químicas", pode ser teorias…
Agora que as elites querem manipular o cidadão comum isso não há dúvidas…
Este pessoal que acredita nestas mentiras têm a mesma intelegencia das russetes, ou ausência dela.