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33 comentários
Shitty people are buying hundreds of them only to sell them at a higher price
I got one probably made 50000 units
Perfect shape for a high-speed boat!
I guess I’m one of the lucky ones I managed to get one 😏
Can’t sell Cybertrucks so now it’s on to the next gimmick
Very cool but not for $250
Elon pls give me a tesla I need to feed my family pls pls 🙏
Optimus can hug
I need money
🤦💸 no point posting and then immediately sold out 😂 genius marketing lol
TSLA can reach all time highs based on merch on the Tesla shop
that is pretty neat
How is that gonna work?
Hey, your merch store is always fucking sold off. In finland we need more size L t-shirts, the small optimus figures and what ever this thing is couldn't find it.
Now $700+ on eBay…of course. We live in a sarcastic simulation
Oh my god this is seriously sexy. I hope it's true…
I want one! Where can I purchase this item?
Woow! With the help of quantum levitation they made levitating cybert
It's not leviosa, it's Levi O' Sar 😂
What is this?
Vingardium 🗣️
Reminds me of a star trek shuttlecraft just missing the thrusters.
It would make for a Cool boat
sold out omg .. levitate the cybercab plz
Love it!!!
Will you let me VR control Optimus and crash test this thing? No!? ComeON, someone's gotta do it!" 😏
So ugly