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27 comentários
Tesla owners just realized closing the window makes it quieter?
I prefer to hear ambulance car ahead of time , but that’s just me …
No it doesn’t provide good soundproofing at all. All noises even very minor noises can be heard inside very clearly
How’s that resale?
Dear Elon Musk Sir, when I grow up and have money, I’m buying a Tesla,no debates, no compromises! Regular cars? Nah, not my vibe. 🚗💨 Tesla it is, or nothing! Also, I love you, sir. SIUUUUUUUUUUU! ⚡🚀 Keep making the world cooler
We getting crushed by a truck with this one 🔥
Noise reduction glass is standard in most America cars it's only a thing in tesla because during struggling years tesla removed or did Not add .
Noise reduction materials to keep cost low. Not let's hope overall they can keep getting better and add others like hud back as standard or maybe free charging for all tesla only 😅
Is it on the new coming Y or current?
I had quad pain in my Tesla. I kicked two out. Now back to silence 😅
Love TESLA❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Audis have this
That’s great, but doesn’t matter if it’s unaffordable. Thanks for the price increase in Canada today on top of the loss of government rebate.
I want that 😮
Just wondering about the car horn, lol
Can we have Tesla look into the front windshield, it seem thinner then most car and very prone to rock chip. Most driver can attest this.
Perfect! @tesla, please stick some double pane glass between the Cybertruck footwell and front motor. That front motor is a noisy bugger. Maybe more ceramic insulation would be fine too.
…gets backed over
I'm not entirely sure if that's a good idea….
Could have done without the "WOW"
My 2018 sure doesn’t have that
Wow cool Tesla. They still make those?
Almost as good as our BYD Seal.
It’s like that scene in Ace Ventura.
Your videos always leave a deep imprint in the hearts of your viewers. Thank you for your creativity and sincerity!🐇🌳🏐