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37 comentários
Hope it continues, will be a tall order with more value oriented options.
Wish they would have had the 7500 off on purchase for non companies. I would have bought one already.
Hey congrats! I still don’t like the look of it. It needs to be more useful I feel like. It looks too luxury
That might not be true. I would love to see how it drives, but then again, it's too expensive.
Amazing work Tesla, your innovation and success will pay off, Tesla 🎉🎉🎉🎉
Need the price to come down a little more
The ultimate outdoor truck.
Bring it to Europe 🌍
What are the actual sales numbers??? 😂
if Tesla reply’s to this I will buy the cyber truck
congratulations tesla, been seeing quite a few of them out here in LA. And when you spot em there’s nothing quite like them. The design also sparked my son’s first “when I grow up” dream car wish.
Is there a catch?
When will the cyber truck have solid state batteries and tank steer?
America the continent?
I want a diesel version.
Its the best truck in the world im not surprised ahhh hhha to all the cybertruck haters stfu!!!
What a dumb claim, there are only two electric pixkup trucks on sale, so being #1 out if 2 is hardly something to crow about.
Sure 😂😂😂
I love mine. I go hunting in it, haul hay with it, and people give me weird looks. It's a TRUCK not a luxury vehicle. It needs more accessories though.(gun rack, brush guard, custom wraps, etc.) I love supporting Tesla.
Vehicle needs a whole redesign/upgrade I feel sorry for first time buyers.
Media loves hating on the cybertruck but it’s going to keep on selling no matter the FUD.
0% APR is needed to offset vehicle insurance costs
And yet…..not a real truck! 🤷🏻♂️
There’s hardly any competition so of course u would be best the selling EV truck ford can’t sell shit 💩 doesn’t surprised me I like the model 3 and Y but the cyber truck is for gimmicks and not practical i only see people going to the grocery store in them haven’t once seen them hauling anything important
Quite impressive due to the Rivian, F-150 Lightning, and Silverado EV being cheaper.
Congrats to Tesla 🎉
Keep it going 🫡
Cool 😎
Already ? Wow
You should add how well it can withstand an occasional explosion from fireworks etc 😂 its so cool ❤
Awesome!!!! now make it $60k so I can afford one. 😅
It's great cars, especially FSD is not matched by anyone, only problem is Elon has gone nuts. My wife refuses to own a Tesla and after Elon's sell out to Trump and interfering in other countries internal matters, I feel the same now.
I ve only see one in town hahahahahah, 😅😅😅😅😅,, nope not for me I prefer my xj 4.0 6 in line
Loved this video, it's so informative! Keep creating such wonderful content.