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- Certamente! Aqui está uma sugestão de título para um artigo ou notícia sobre a União Europeia e Portugal: “Portugal e a União Europeia: Desafios e Oportunidades na Era da Mudança” Se precisar de mais informações ou de um desenvolvimento específico sobre o tema, estou à disposição!
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33 comentários
Yet there’s still no voice activated command for Bioweapon Defence Mode (which itself is about the combination of HEPA and positive cabin pressure to keep out the 17% of infiltrates from cracks/gaps in bodywork).
Warum gibt es den Modus nicht im Model 3 Highland?
This would be good if I lived in my car or if I have the windows up all the time.
Tesla should make one of these in backpack form for firefighters.
TESLA Minha paixão ❤❤❤
Very good to see😊
So when does my model 3 get this update ???
Musk go to Mars and stay there.
Tesla W!
Impressive tech! Clean air is a game changer for cabin comfort. 🌬️
I wake up, and next thing I know Tesla rolled out bioweapon defence in their cars. Crazy
This video was released before, but at the time I for got thar standard vehicles have recirculation buttons. This isn't a great example unless you actively want to clog your airliners. Both cars you have to press a button to protect yourself.
Eat the rich, make a feast out of Elon!
There is literally a recirculation mode mode on every car that makes this feature obsolete?
Love it but wife doesn’t because fan speed is too high. Nice if lower fan speed is available.
wu tang.
Alex Jones has entered the chat.
Isn't this really old?
LOL Smoke em if you got em…………🤣
Tesla cooking BMW
First Tesla, be enthusiastic, Tesla Hack 🎉🎉
Your channel is a place where quality always comes first. Thank you for your hard work and talent!🚚🐗😛
Coolest thing ever, Teslas are healty cars too!
I wanna get a Cybertruck
Each of your videos is a small masterpiece that surprises with its originality and creativity. Keep up the good work!🐂🧡🌡
first ho
First from India🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳