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27 comentários
Imagine working at Tesla just trying to do your job and your boss sieg hiels in front of the entire world and you can’t even say anything because you might actually get fired because that boss is a petty fragile loser
Can't wait!
와 진짜 ㅈㄴ 갖고싶다
You need to sell the old shape Y at cost plus sales pricing. Otherwise the current osbourne effect will just get worse and tank y sales even further this year and you w9nt be able to ship enough . Last quarter was a shocker, if you hadnt sold those BTC it would be a blood bath.
Will there be a price increase compared to the previous model
Finally there is Tesla MV that I like the exterior of.
Love TESLA❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Always love❤ TESLA
Very nice. It's a great team at Tesla making it happen and it all starts with Elon Musk. Thank you all.
Fantastic car. 😮I love Tesla ❤
If they would just run this as an ad in the Super Bowl, this would probably be the best selling car in the world. Oh wait…
Don't lower resistance tires mean less grip?
❤hot fire 🔥
shit is fugly. model S is the only decent looking tesla.
We want a cheap simple car. I know you can do it…
4 motors because 4 wheels it doesn't have to make sense if it sells will it sell
Simple, just load in the cybertruck on a high end computer
lo mejor de lo mejor
Tesla frunk shrimp lady?
But Y tho?
I love watching Tesla's new releases, and get excited by how little the new models change rather than how much they change. I see competitors come out with 1-3-5 new models a year, and I don't actually want to see that from Tesla. If you look back at Porsche cars for the last 20-30 years, they have improved SIGNIFICANTLY but they have also remained very much the same. Sculpting, tweaking, chizzling away at almost invisible imperfections year after year and refining the product to perfection. This remains my favourite part about Tesla's developments over the year. They don't strive to please everyone with 20 different cars. They have a handful of products and craft them to perfection.
🤦🏻♂️😢its ugly
best car ever
Good but why give it slow charging when you have better tech