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19 comentários
Only 10.8l/100km this thing is driven to slowly. My 640i is at 15.4l/100km
Ugly car 🤢😂
Vrai tuerie 😮
Great video guys. 580hp, WOW!!
It looks like the air filter is sucking air from the hot engine bay, unless there's a route through the hood that's not visible. In that case it could lose power instead of gain, a lot of the aftermarket stuff is not for the better.
Cool car nonetheless.
You could throw 1000hp in there and the car would still be one of the ugliest and least desireable cars ever made.
what phone do you have?
why is it RHD?
A bit slow above 280?
I mean 580 HP is a lot, it should go to 320?!
If they would remove the artificial engine noise and some sound isolation in the car, it would sound more natural at least…
❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ King😎😎😎😎🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
This is a very nice BMW M2, the last generation without any hybrid assistance unlike the M5 G90 which already has a hybrid system
Your channel is a place where quality always comes first. Thank you for your talent and professionalism!😼🏄🐧
slow compared to performance
HP 580….damn bro…💀💥🔥