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27 comentários
wow. tears kept streaming down my face. this is incredible 😭❤️
I watch this, I know it's real but I still can't believe it. The GOAT at ferrari <3
get yourself a sound engieer next time pls, these levels are terrible
All his accomplishments, places he's been, things he's done, and can still walk into Ferrari looking like a little kid in a candy store.
I have apocalyptically high levels of hope and delusion. Let's go!!!!!!!
io c'ero
This should be his last and epic journey
This is were champs go before they retire
dreams come true
where is Angella
His story is crazy.
Forza Ferrari!! Please dethrown Verstappen and Red Bull next season OK?
Imagine he wins the title, how special that would be!
Wow 🙏
Fucking rockstar
A few wins will elevate him GOAT to God status. Brilliant for the sport.
Define Aura
As a Merc fan, it still feels a bit unreal seeing Lewis in red.
At the same time, the fit between him and the team seems to be great so far and he looks so happy.
I wish for him to succeed in Maranello. Good luck and looking forward to the upcoming season!
Wishing Lewis and Ferrari all the best! Bring home that championship 🏆
Thanks for sharing this with us. I loved every second of it. I am so happy and proud of you Lewis. I will be rooting for you all season. 🖤💚💛
Formula 1 needs this 8th Title of him at ferrari. This will write history. What a comeback after 21 this would be. One of the greatest ever in sports.
he shoulda gave his heart to the crowd the way elon musk did! lmao
Welcome home Sir Lewis!
I love the video and the vibe from Hamilton and the team🎉, Im from Mexico and this season I will cheer for Ferrari all year along!!!!