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26 comentários
This is the worst car maclaren in the world
beautiful, love the papaya collor, the testing one was dope as well as
I wish you guys could do the old color scheme from the 80s/90s again
Honestly, the past couple of years, especially last year, was when the papaya and black really came together. Especially after they gave up trying to do a third color (blue or purple) and went all in with the throwback homages to the Marlboro livery. So it makes sense that they stick with that.
Remember what last year's car looked like? Hope you liked it
Senna sempere ❤❤
Still feel like there’s too much black, but then my ideal ratio would be solid papaya, so I’m always going to think that. Plus, I know it’s for weight. Oh well.
I like it but there is only one thing I dont like and it's the master card logo on each wing
Too much orange and lazy.
Ngl I liked the camo way better jst saying
Ayrton senna ❤😢
They could’ve done what they did in Singapore 2024 but with the livery in Full Orange. Instead we get a repeat of Last Year.
This is the definition of if it ain’t broke don’t fix it, still a nice car though
I wish it was changed at least a little. Maybe make it have a big splatter of orange paint on the front.
MP4/14 ❤
Please bring back the red and white and go back with Honda, I would love to see it! Great livery tho, Mr. constructors champion
You can’t see it
Loved that video!!!! So many amazing drivers have come through McLaren!!!
Props to the media people. Nice short!
I thought y’all were gonna do a white and red because y’all brought out all the MP4 cars 😭
They didn't show the 2024 car because they'd mistake it for the 2025 car
At lest you got ride of the LCD screens , while I know you had them for advertising, they were utterly useless for the car itself , probably added 1-2kg of unnecessary weight.
Your story, my passion🧡🧡🧡
Why tf did you not change it?