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26 comentários
I'd work there for free
Energy, Passion, History…
I would love tonbe part of the night shift aero team at Mclaren. Just drink coffee and diet coke. Just endless excel spreadsheets and chatting with John from accounts about Logo's. That's the dream.
“No matter what your dream is, you have to dedicate yourself entirely to it” -Ayrton Senna
Home, the greatest f1 team is the only team that is, inspirational… this makes you think is f1 just to bring people together?
Home is where the Papaya is.
Hello McLaren
Mclaren is one of my favorite car brands and will always will be
Remember kids,check the date before you eat or drink it
I'd love to work for Mclaren. Be around that environment, that history every day❤
Thank you for all McLaren 🧡😢
I want to work for you when i grow up🧡
Committed everyday.❤🧡
Compit no way ❤️
Let,s go Mclaren. A seguir trabajando duro en casa para tener una gran temporada de F1. Go Mclaren 🇨🇱
This is exactly what every person needs to feel…🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
🧡the vibe I love to be in..
McLaren 🫶🏻
Your passion really stands out here. Keep it up, you’re amazing!
This is the type of energy we need. Great work.
2025 Will be our year drivers and constructors Will be won go papaya