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35 comentários
If we get the prime Hamilton back in 2025, this will be one hell of a season. Dare I say, something like 2012?
NO matter who you are around the world, this must have some type of effect on you. Wonderful moments in the sport.
tbh I really wish we get to see Lewis working well with Ferrari and beccomes a honorary Italian
Won’t be long until he starts whining about this a that.. he should call it quits already.. his had his time
Everyone is a Ferrari fan❤
it dint feel like a 4 min intrview
Forza Ferrari ❤
I love you Lewis ❤ will folllow you everywhere.
2025 is going to be a legendary year, my friends.
Lewis has found new life!! I hope the car can deliver!!
Lewis, how will it feel getting owned by Charles in year one?
Forza 🏎️🏎️ Ferrari! Forza 🐎 Lewis!
My brain still processing that Lewis in red
🖤 YES LEWIS. We're with you🖤
Nigga made me cry nigha
Pur conoscendo l'inglese (niente di speciale, a livello poco più che scolastico) non è semplice comprendere tutto ciò che dice un madrelingua d'oltremanica, è assolutamente inspiegabile la scelta di non mettere i sottotitoli…manco in inglese. È un segnale di poca attenzione alla moltitudine dei Ferraristi sparsi nel mondo, che peccato. 🫤
Lewis is being crowned at Ferrari.
Feels unreal. Just hope i get to witness this live for once.
This is so exciting to me, just wow.
2025 will be a very interesting year for F1.
I never thought that I would be a Ferrari fan. I was born in Stuttgart (where Mercedes and Porsche are produced) and grew up as Lotus F1 team fan. here I am supporting Ferrari team…Lewis your 8th title is waiting for you which you deserved long time ago!
Relatable, a new first time …good msg
look at the amount of sponsorship Lewis brought in!
remember guys… 24 days until the australian grand prix
That man looks dapper in red,legend!
Go on Lewis .Smash it lad.❤❤
grazi ragazzi
Let’s go!!
Go shock the world again LH44
You aint ready for this guys. You THINK you are, but you're not, no-one is.
Love it
all this hype for hamilton lol. he's 40 and he's past his peak. it's time to move on.