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18 comentários
Greatest relationship and respect ❤🧡🏎️
The two classical team rivals meeting each other again
I love these two teams.❤
Fred is such a lovable grandpa to the whole grid
You already know Charles and Lewis is not gonna be a happy relationship, only one guy is coming out on top of that situation
Only good vibes, love it
The background music base😆🧡❤️🔊I could feel the vibration at home
This is the type of energy we love to see. Great vibes.
You’re doing such a great job! Love the vibes you bring.
Ron Dennis and Jean Todt are fuming.
mclaren 🔛🔝
Great bond between the two!
The respect between the two greatest teams in history ❤️👑 & 🧡⭐
My boyfriend tried to repeat the trick from this video and now we have a new record – lots of laughs and a minor disaster🌺
Great friendship already!!
If laughter prolonged life, I'd be immortal by now thanks to this video👅