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39 comentários
Lando and Oscar trying to not to laugh out loud 😂
At this point journalist should know how Verstappen answers his questions, quick, concise, brief, and right to the point
I mean, what is he supposed to say
Treat them like children, and this is how your press conference will be from now on 🖕 W Max ❤
Let's add that to the words of wisdom 😂💔
Perfect response Kimi.. I mean Max 😂
words of wisdom by max now
These press conferences are becoming useless.
"Must be the water"
Ever since the FIA vocabulary sanction he gets funnier each interview
Max went full Kimi spec 😂
"Lets add that to the words of wisdom" ahh Verstappen
In your face fia president , keep at it max
Really needs to be humbled he’s getting way too entitled and thinks reporters and press conferences are beneath him or something
📽️ : Max.. your thoughts wet race?
🎮 : Yeah, they're slippery in the wet, so you have umm take that into consideration.
🎮 : Ahem..
Jajaja Lando te amo
It is no wonder the uses so few words now – I am surprised that he can talk without using profanity. What a Kahunt!
Bruh Lando cannot hold himself lol
He's the new Kimi!!
He’s the best. 😂😂😂 i Love every bit of it. He should instead say “Ask Ben” for every question he gets
Max destroying the British media😂👍
Some drive to survive line
FIA has made Max funnier
dad jokes 😅
This is for a very specific audience, but does this remind anyone of Marshawn Lynch?
“I’m just here so I don’t get fined.”
Well this is the type of discourse the Fia wanted
"It must be the water"
Will buxton ahh
Yes, channel your inner Kimi!
Kimi would be proud
Words of wisdom #2
“When the track isn’t dry, it is considered wet.”
When you set standards of the highest leval of sport, to the lowest levals of questions
I love max water is slippery is the best quote ever
Must be the water, right Max? 🤣