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24 comentários
Been kimis biggest fan since he was in f4, and I said then he will be world champion of Mercedes, and I’m 100 percent sure now… Kimi we love you!
My question wasn't answered 😢 top comment aswell
These are my absolute favorite videos by Mercedes Petronas AMG F1. Love it.
Bla bla bla. JUST DO IT or do nothing.
Thank you for bringing this successful times back
We're the best
Love these debriefs, I don’t think any other team do them. Kimi is definitely a future champion.
lets wait and see the gaps without any safety cars looks like mclaren has big advantage
2:43 Genius
Second youngest points scorer. History in the making.
Is it wierd for anyone else to hear Bono over the radio and it's not Lewis on the other side?
Great save at the start. Good driving. GOOOO Kimi.
Bring back Shov or James
Nice start of the season,
I wish they both can fight for wins
Kimi is a future GOAT. Wishing you kimi, lewis, and oscar and epic 2025 season
Sadly with ferrari horrible strategy I think out of my favorite 3 drivers this year Oscar and kimi will do well.
Wish lewis some luck
Why does Bottas – and Colapinto – took part of the F1 opening titles 🤔
Is Kimi ready to be replaced ?
Bcs we know Doohan will be.
Nice start of the season, keep pushing guys 🖤💪
If I close my eyes, it sounds like Colapinto's dad 😂
The bots are faster than Kimi in his first race
I turned this video on at a party and now all my friends want to repeat what they saw. Laughter and fun guaranteed💖
Life hack: always keep a stash of chocolate in your nightstand for emergencies💚
My dog looked at the screen with interest. I think she has a new ambition💕