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30 comentários
whittaker’s chocolate is the one of the best things NZ has made, as well as their pies
Shouldve asked carlos. Smooothhh operator 😂😂
A hotdog is not a sandwich. It's closer to being a taco than a sandwich.
But in the end, it doesn't even matter. Lol
Love how George responded without flinching, like the question was a totally reasonable one
I want to see Alonso's collection so bad. If his marketing team sees this: pls make a video, thx!🎉
gasly knowing wdty is so random
Yuki fully dripped out
I thought cheng yi (Fu ShiQi actor) is over there? Or I was wrong?
0:35 Ollie's forehead exposed
Maybe Slowson is related to The Whittaker family 😂
That would explain his performance
Dinosaurs 🦕 Never Existed 😂
Velociraptor! They work as a team… Obviously very fast
Lawson biggest sacrifice to get into F1 was sacrificing Daniel Riccardo
Y is Whittakers so real as a kiwi
George on the scooter like a true veteran of the sport
Lawson had to sacfrice form
Bortoleto saying a hotdog isn't a sandwich then describing a sandwich almost exactly how you could describe a hotdog 🤣
carlos & yuki: f1’s biggest suzuka fans
whittakers is genuinely the best chocolate ever. lawson is so real for that, coming from a fellow kiwi that moved
Definitely my favourite segment of the driver’s interview or Q&A
Bro named a mediocre chocolate brand 😂
T. rex. The genus name always start with a capital letter, and the specie with a lower case, so the taxonomy explains this: Tyrannosaurus rex, shortening: T. rex. 👍🏼
Pierre got that hip hop knowledge
i like how more and more drivers are riding scooters after Lewis started doing it
People don’t realize all the pressure and anxiety these guys endure.. all that traveling around the world, the media all over them and they still have to perform at incredible speeds
The only driver that sounds English is George
I'm pretty sure you could take a few bars with you bud.
Tell Liam we have Whittakers in Canada! I’m less than 2 hours from Montreal I can send him a care package
Biggest mistake is lawson in red bull
Dude, this angle is killer, can’t believe I found it.