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23 comentários
The news paper lied
How excited is he😂 I think Oscar is the successor of Kimi (Iceman) Raikkonen. Congrats on your first F1 pole position Oscar.
One time 😊
so happy for Oscar! well deserved, many more to come
The maturity
Sooooooo happy for Oscar 🧡🧡🧡
Well done Oscar😎🔥💪🇦🇺.
Keep fighting Lando!
Finally!!! I almost don’t see a way he doesn’t win the race I don’t think Russel is going to be able to fight the McLarens in front of him Lando seems to be struggling this weekend he could win but Oscar should be able to hold him off with the clean air the only factor is McLaren claiming that lando is a number one driver and leading the standings but that is huge bs for the second race of the season
Well done, you deserve it Orcaroo
Ёпта точно это же его первый поул. Красавчик!
Omg congratulations Oscar!! I watched the qualifying live, he did amazing!! ❤❤❤
He is the sleeping giant I picked him to win the championship this year😊
We knew the home race comeback was coming 🙌🥳🫶
Congrats Oscar!!!
The hairpin of his life 🤩
Well done. 👍
Felicidades Oscar, excelente clasificación. 🤗