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- Vídeo: As notícias do dia | 25 março 2025 – Tarde
20 comentários
By my count we were robbed of a couple ciaos
Ciao, McQueen!
Really hope Bearman doesn't get too bigheaded and become as unlikable as Russell
How are you Ollie
Ollie: Ciao
Bro overtook a red bull. I know it's Liam but still though.
Ollie just destroyed Lawson with a Haas
Robbed from DOTD
Bearman melhor piloto do gp da china foi lindo de ver
Ollie shows that he is worth the seat
Bro really deserved DOTD
Looked like Lewis move on Schumacher in 2010
Pretty sure that will be used against him at some point 😂
Deserved Driver of the Day over Kimi
But hey, DTS simps for Kimi i guess
This content is gold!
Not thought of it that way, thanks!
Ferraris Disqualified from chinese gp😭
Bro was cooking on that one stop🔥🔥🔥
'Driver of the day'
While his teammate in the same car finished P5, overtook and kept a Mercedes behind him the whole race.
Ocon never respected.
Haas overtaking a Red Bull. 🙈. Lawson has some work to do or he is at serious risk like what happened to Albon and Gasly, Red Bull wont hang around this year they will make changes if he doesnt get points in his next 2 races i think