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It’s not an audition it’s not an examination of who can play better than the other pianist or who’s academically more prepared it’s actually the luck of striking uh the tastes of 15 jury members who represent the broad public 70 virtuosos chosen from 4 preliminary competitions over 2 years
Now competing in Dubai the classic piano International competition brings together the world’s most promising and talented pianists each vying for a share of the overall prize money totaling 250,000 and the winner embarking on a 10day concert tour I think competitions are important in general I think it’s
Very hard to figure out who the future stars are because many people have very big reputations but you don’t often get to see them play so it’s very hard to kind of cut through the noise and and figure out who you should focus your attention on jury members from Austria
France Germany and Italy joined counterparts from China the US the UK turkey a South Africa and South Korea to judge the competitors on technical capability as well as flare and style what I’m looking for at least is somebody who speaks to me somebody who moves me somebody who has something
Genuinely interesting to say somebody who knows how to engage with an audience and communicate their love of music that goes a very very long way the final two stages also tested the pianist’s adaptability as they performed a mix of classical and contemporary repertoire I mean my view on on
Contemporary versus classical is that it’s a really good way to demonstrate the the full skill set of the musicians that we are hearing a modern musician has to be versatile has to be adaptable they have to be able to excel across multiple different genres there no question that Alexa conura which we’ve
Heard it’s an eight movement piece which is is full of stylistic differences huge stylistic range that you have to tap into you have to really engage with the characters and the styles of each movement to bring it to life life and it’s been fascinating to see how some of
Them have really risen to that task and others have maybe been a little bit overwhelmed by it Yuan Fang thrived on the challenges and collaborations that the competition brought with it I think uh one of the challenges has been the pacing of it you know keeping the concentration between the rounds I
Think playing with any Orchestra is always such dream you know when you’re collaborating with so many musicians and and often you know in a wonderful acoustics with a great conductor it’s a very very special experience very special Journey uh of kind of everyone coming together to create this wonderful
Piece of music and bring it to life M kak meanwhile opted for what he believes was a risky choice I played the first P by Fredick Chapan and uh I think uh every piece is challenging but uh this is uh very difficult because you can hear every
Note and it’s very clear so it’s uh in some way it’s uh more difficult than sir BR or sir TR manov but it’s different kind of music and it’s almost the Moment of Truth the final piece of the competition has been performed on stage by artam kusit who’s performing
Chaikovsky piano Concerto Number one but is it enough to walk away with that winning title after over an hour’s deliberation the winner was announced Andre gugin I didn’t really expect it and uh of course I mean I did hope that I could win but it’s it’s still hard to put in
Words despite the enormous feeling of stress and being nervous uh I could feel that I still have a connection with music that still despite being in a competition I I could do the music I felt the collaboration with the orchestra and just the feeling of playing their beloved music it was
Really really precious moment and the hard work isn’t over yet as Andre will embark on a tour of 10 concerts after hitting the right notes and being crowned winner of classic piano International competition 20124
2 comentários
Nao. Música boa mesmo é o "roda roda vira, roda roda vem" do tuga Roberto leal