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The agreement of the high seas biodiversity treaty really shows us that multilateralism still exists it still works we are facing Global problems and we need Global Solutions 64% of the ocean is beyond national jurisdiction that is the high seas and up until now it hasn’t been completely Lawless but the legal
Framework has been very fragmented so there’s different bodies cing different part Once this treaty enters into Force what it will be able to do it will be able to we will establish Marine protected areas will’ll also be able to conduct environmental impact assessment according to Global standards it also looks at access and benefit sharing of marine genetic resources and the fourth
Element of the this treaty looks at capacity building and the transfer Marine technology the race for ratification is on I think countries feel the pressure I mean I was there when when this treaty was being negotiated and just feeling from the energy and optimism in the room
And I think it’s also links to other multilateral environmental agreements we had the Kung Montreal Global biodiversity framework adopted in December 2022 when more than 190 countries came together and said we need to protect at least 30% that’s a land and it also includes the sea in order to
Get there by 2030 we do need a high seas biodiversity treaty to get There