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For the um uh scale of Massacre we saw only after when we started to collect killed people and exclamation everywhere because uh like people uh didn’t have the possibility to bury their beloved ones in regular way on the cemeteries they were uh buing them in the yards in
The squares in our beautiful parks and that was very shocking and especially it was very hard to identify killed people and negotiations with uh relatives with families the most awful was to negotiate with moms what do you mean to bury killed person you need to identify it
Personally and somebody have to help Mom to get uh the killed kid and that’s the most awful experience in my life managed to do that that was direct execution they had tied arms and they were killed from the back head from very close distance on that crosses we saw at
Least 12 killed people when bua was liberated didn’t allow to bury killed uh civilians to frighten those who stayed we never saw that before on the territory of Ukraine during donbas and Crimean period of War that’s why bua case became so shocky for all us as well
Bua became some kind of aive Museum of war crimes for