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can hackers use photos of our
fingerprints to steal our money and data
a video going around on WhatsApp is
warning people to avoid doing the PE
sign when posing for selfies in case
frauders take copies of their
fingerprints to hack into their phones
and accounts but how well founded are
these claims well the cube spoke to
digital forensic and cyber Security
Experts to find
out this video claims that hackers can
extract High high quality images of our
fingerprints when they appear in photos
uploaded to social media it says that
the hackers can then use the copies to
access our phones and other places
protected by Biometrics leading to a
range of cyber crime they might be able
to access our bank accounts to commit
fraud medle with our SIM cards to access
our phones and even manipulate our
passports according to the video but is
it likely and even feasible that
fraudsters would be able to do this in
theory with the right conditions and we
are talking you know right
lighting um right camera right
resolution right angle of the finger uh
right closeness of the finger to the
camera you know we we’re talking very
specific conditions here to make that
work with most phones getting that level
of resolution from holding your hand up
when you’re quite removed from the
camera is going to be really really
difficult so while it is technically
possible that hackers can get hold of
your fingerprints in this way it’s
unlikely to happen in practice
regardless it’s still worth taking care
and practicing good cyber security when
we’re posting content online to be fair
to the original video it does suggest
some ways we can protect ourselves such
as avoiding showing our fingertips
clearly and using filters to blur out
sensitive areas but these aren’t
necessarily the best steps to take if
the technology to steal our fingerprints
isn’t really there so what else can we
do I would avoid really these close very
close shots and often times when there
are these challenges there was I think
the makeup challenge when you went like
really close and also showed your eye
the same goes then for the iris it’s not
only the fingerprint there is potential
and the problem really with these
biometric features is that you cannot
change them right it’s not like a
password that you can change tomorrow H
you this is like something that you have
permanently my second advice is always
use two Factor authentication so that
you need like at least one additional
element one additional thing to uh to
authenticate yourself long story short
you’re probably safe to keep spreading
peace and victory in your selfies for
more investigations and fact checks head
to our website euronews.com
1 comentário
“Piratas informáticos”perceba-se ( brasileiros )