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thank you president and colleagues so um
today the World Cup in gadar is a proof
cultural and creative sector
was these decisions will be set
up I’m a bit dis appointed that an
amendment we had with clearer sanctions
what happens if you don’t do it didn’t
get a majority but nevertheless we will
evaluate how it works it is not a topic
to politicize or to play political games
with it’s a serious question of health
and safety at work
the main response uh to this culture of
impunity and and the lack of
transparency and good ethic standards is
the establishment of a joint EU ethics
body for for the EU institutions but I I
think even with all that we’re still
fairly naive when it comes to protecting
the European Parliament protecting
European democracy from foreign undue
vote is
closed adopted
2 comentários
Os hipócritas que amam falar que os paises lati os e africanos são corruptos.
Europa sendo Europa 😂😂😂😂
👨🏾🦲👨🏾🦲👨🏾🦲🇩🇿🔪🇲🇦 Porto – Argelinos são detidos por terem agredido, esfaqueado e roubado um boné de um marroquino.
👨🏾🦲🧢 Mais uma vez os imigrantes vêm para Portugal fazer o que os portugueses não querem fazer, roubar bonés.
🔗 Fonte: CM