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around the world the pressure is on to
better protect nature here in Japan
businesses like this Vineyard are
grasping the challenge with the support
of an international framework that aims
to grow nature positive economies let’s
find out how it’s making a
difference located near wer in central
Japan the chatau mercian Marico Vineyard
and Winery is home to eight great
varieties making for a busy Harvest Time
when they’re transformed into wines for
the Japanese market and Beyond
The Vineyard transformed the landscape
now grassland and plants have returned
helping to boost some endangered species
there’s also a circular approach here
remains from great pressing are
composted and returned to the land as
fertilizer and as part of a new trial
Vine waste is being transformed into a
type of charcoal called biochar
The Vineyard which involves the local
community including school children has
long assessed its impact on
nature the vineyard’s owner Kieran
Holdings company was one of 80 earlier
doctors in Japan of a framework launched
by the global task force on nature
related finan ual disclosures or
tnfd it encourages businesses everywhere
to assess report and act on nature
related risks and impacts the overall
aim is to get more data for businesses
and investors creating new commercial
opportunities and shifting Global
Capital to more positive outcomes for
nature major capture and water is the
our business materiality so we need to
sustainability that is the reason why we
should try to disclosure and tnfd this
is a a very special nature because it
need a human activities it is not a
nature like
Amazon elsewhere here in Tokyo and
across Japan those signed up to the
disclosure framework represent 30
sectors from construction to ICT
the global and large companies should
take lead and support the midsize and
small companies to help them to assess
their risks and also support them to
find the
opportunities uh in the nature public
the business the disclosures framework
comes amid efforts to realize goals from
the cop 15 biodiversity Summit 2 years
ago the aim is to put 30% of the planet
and 30% of degraded ecosystems under
protection by
2030 without nature we have
nothing for this Tokyo Professor putting
a price on nature is key to its
protection the investment in nature
safeguarding nature is not rewarded
under the economic system if we were
able to put the monetary value on
natural capital and people started to
see it’s a kind of opportunity business
opportunity to invest
uh in those activities that’s the shift
of the new economic
system nature positive economies are a
focus for the global Organization for
economic cooperation and development
this year it’s ministerial council is
chaired by Japan as the country looks to
further build on its nature positive
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