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dear L dear former presidents of PSD dear friends in Portugal I wish you all the best for the anniversary you’re celebrating today the 50th uh anniversary of the Canan Revolution uh is really a moment to celebrate and to be proud about that Portugal managed to build up a strong democracy based on our common understanding inside of the European Union this is a huge achievement and PSD contributed to this huge achievement over the last decades when it is about our model of how do we offer the future of our societies to the citizens where for us the human being the human dignity is always in the center we do politics for people we are people’s party so the individuals the individual peoples are in the center of our thinking and our political action another aspect for us and for PSD was over the decades last decades always the idea of being involved in the European dimension of doing politics National Regional interests are there but we also have to do this on European level and that was also the DNA of PSD over decades to establish such a strong record about the success stories over the last over the last years I thank you so much for this and you know that our approach is now again tested we have to give proper answers for the future first of all uh with the 9th of June so with European elections to give people a clear idea for what do we stand for with OA feline as our commission president and Lead candidate and also Roberta metsola as president of the European Parliament we are campaigning to give people the assurance that we have a plan for the future of Europe with uh strengthening our economy competitiveness with strengthening our defense especially having the Ukraine war in mind but also strengthening democracy and the fundamental principle of rule of law uh to have their clear ideas clear answers for the citizens and they can really be assured that we have a plan for the future and we will implement this plan that’s our DNA that is what we stand for that is always the same over the decades and a moment like today is a moment to consider this to remember this and to be proud about this de I wish you a good celebration today I wish you good luck for your big responsibility as new elected prime minister you know that the EP family on European level all of us we are happy to have you as prime minister in Portugal in a difficult moment of time to take over responsibility and lead the country in the right direction thank you so much enjoy the celebration and all the best