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dear prime minister of Portugal dear Luis dear friends of the Social Democratic party congratulations on your success in forming a government under your strong leadership Portugal will flourish your integrity and determination to deliver on your commitments guarantees the Improvement of the quality of life of the Portuguese people you should be proud about what your country has achieved in the last century the 50-year anniversary of your party co coincides with the 50-year mark after your Revolution yes throughout these decades both our countries have faced common challenges such as the economic crisis and the global pandemic but you should be proud of all the great things you have achieved Freedom democracy civil rights and a deep commitment to the European values our party nraa also celebrates his 50th Anniversary our cooperation with the PSD in the framework of the European People’s Party will continue to be close on the 9th of June we should send a message of commitment to a more robust and resilient Europe we need a strong and fair Europe that through solidarity and cohesion policies ensures prosperity for all its citizens the EP our political family advocates this vision of Europe and supports the green and digital transformation we need as a European election approach it’s crucial to spread the message we should not allow the populists and demagogues to mislead the citizens and undermine our European values our democracy and our European way of life are not up for discussion I am sure that the pstd will continue to spread the message across Portugal and that the 9th of June will be a day of Victory f anniversario [Music]