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[Music] one of the biggest challenges like ongoing challenges um uh for cosmetic industry in general is how to produce a sunscreen that would be based on natural substances natural raw [Music] materials uh commonly the sunscreen um uh molecules or sunscreen uh raw materials that we use are based on organic synthesis so it’s like synthetic sunscreens and uh some of them have already been B in some states in the US because of their environmental profile and safety profile so it’s like a global challenge how we can do better how we can do clean and um the way to produce a clean or uh organic natural sunscreen is by using minerals like zinc oxides but then again comes the second challenge that we bring here to our lab because these minerals that’s basically uh they produce very heavy texture uh so using our like high-tech equipment and really our knowhow of uh creating very fine emulsions uh that provide like beautiful spreadability we’re able to incorporate that a mineral part to produce really beautiful spreadable sunscreen that’s safe that has beautiful environmental profile and it’s just like Pleasant to use