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the multiculturalism in aeran is not just a concept it’s our way of life because aeran located between Eastern Europe and West Asia in the middle of Silk Road Multicultural values coming from the history and diversity existed here for centuries I me I mean ethnic diversity religious diversity and linguistic diversity as a center of multiculturalism our main goal for sure preserve the diversity in aeran linguistic religious and cultural diversity in aeran this his main goal but globally we are initiated the projects Intercultural and interreligious dialogue and in this direction working absolutely The prominent foreign experts and aeran expert it’s an international institution we have a nine Branch all around the world we are teaching multiculturalism as a subject in all aeran universities and we are teaching this subject in 26 world universities also we are fighting in a global level uh negative trends like islamophobia anti-Semitism extremism the Pew Research Center publicated reports that in 2018 in the world there is 80 Terror acts based on religious issues every year the situation going worse and worse in the world there is 198 independent countries but there is more than 2,000 Nation with different background with different language and beliefs we need to create 2,000 independent states or we have to learn how to live together in a peaceful coexistence for the internal stability you need to realize a policy peaceful coexistence and give the chance all the nations living in your country to have the same rights equal rights and equal possibility to preserve their languages cultures and beliefs in aeran we are realizing implementing this proc successfully that’s why we are trying to show that example that it’s possible to live in a peaceful coexistence not only the government institution and government themselves trying to keep this balance but the community is also interested Muslims Jewish Christians or ethnic minorities organized some event and they are invited the government institution to participate to this event it’s a tradition in azaran in in the period of Ramadan Christians Jewish people also participated in the celebrations also Muslim communities participated in Christian holay so they initiated mostly coming from the society Angels government institutions universities schools society that all sides have to be interested to live in a peaceful coexistence
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